The Library of Spanking Fiction: Wellred Weekly

Wellred Weekly
Volume 1, Number 3 : December 10, 2011
Items of interest regarding all things spanking

Spanko Spotting
by Beth

How do you spot a spanko? How do you know you've run into a kindred spirit while at the store, park, or while walking around town? You can be fairly certain that you've met someone who supports the same team or school that you do by a t-shirt or hat that they might be wearing. A bumper sticker might let you know that the car you've just run into is driven by a member of your secret society, leading to the hope that you might work something out.

However, spankos can be more difficult to spot. While there is little risk in going up to someone and saying, "Gig 'em Aggies" due to a shirt the person is wearing, the risk is considerably greater going up to someone and saying, "spanked any good butts lately?" because you've mistaken the signs of a spanko.

This topic aroused my curiosity recently while making a late night grocery store run. I came across the same young couple on several aisles. At first, I didn't think much about them, except for the time they were blocking my progress through canned vegetables. A while later, though, I came up from behind them in frozen ice cream, while I was looking for frozen pot pies, and I had to do a double take. The man was lightly smacking the woman on the backside.

Hmmmmm, I thought, I wonder if they would be doing that if they knew someone else was in frozen foods. He must have tapped her 5 or so times, perhaps she had a spot on her pants that he was trying to brush off of her. Perhaps this was simply the beginning of a much more exciting night that would take place once they got home. Perhaps I was reading a whole lot more into the situation than it warranted. Regardless of what happened with them later, it did get me to thinking as to how one can spot a spanko while shopping.

Here are some things I have come up with, with apologies to Jeff Foxworthy and his You May be a Redneck comedy routine:

Someone might be a spanko if you see them gazing longingly at the brushes in the hair care aisle of your local store. This is especially true if you see them take only the flat backed brushes off the rack. You are almost guaranteed to have spotted a spanko if said person then tests the flat side against the leg or hand. If the test is made against the leg, the person is likely a bottom, thinking would this thing hurt me enough or too much. If the test is made against the hand, the spanko could be a top trying to decide how much damage this brush could do to a bottom.

Likewise, you may have spotted a spanko in the bath section of your favorite store (Bed, Bath, and Beyond is always a good one for this), when you see someone trying out the bath brushes. It is a rare spanko who tries to see how far down his/her back the brush will reach. Such a tester is probably looking only for a bath brush to be used to wash the back. Of course, a spanko might pull such a move to keep you off the trail. Dart around the corner and see what the person does then. Does the brush get tapped against a leg, hand, or maybe even the bottom? If so, you've probably spotted a spanko.

Move on to the kitchen tools where wooden spoons and spatulas abound. Do you spot a person who keeps returning for yet one more look at the wooden spoons? How does the person test them out, with a stirring motion or with a slap against the hand? Are smaller models put back on the rack in favor of larger models? Does the shopper ask a salesperson, "Do you have anything bigger?" If you can answer yes to these questions, you may have spotted a spanko.

In a store like Target or Wal-Mart, head on over to the toys where the paddle balls are kept. No wedding ring on the finger, but the person is staring at the paddle ball games? You may have spotted a spanko. This could be especially true if the person buys one of each in different sizes or puts a smaller one back in favor of a larger model.

For a last stop in the department store, move on to men's belts. Here spanko spotting can be a bit trickier. If the shopper is a man, is the belt he is handling one that could possibly fit him? If there's no way it could ever fit, you may have spotted a spanko. Does the person double the belt to see how flat it gets? Then you've probably spotted a spanko. Does the person glance around to see if anyone is watching and then do a test swing? If so, I can almost guarantee that you've spotted a spanko.

So what do you do if you think you've spotted a spanko? You have to be careful here, because a wrong move may have someone yelling, "PERVERT!" at you in the parking lot or in the store. Depending on your position in the community, the consequences could be dire. If you're in the kitchen section, you might go up to the person and ask him/her what he/she looks for in a wooden spoon. A deep blush will let you know you've spotted a spanko. In toys, ask the person for his/her all-time best in paddle ball. A blank stare or blush can be a give-a-way here, too. Looking at hair or bath brushes, ask the person if natural or man-made bristles or better, or ask for an opinion of those spongy style brushes for the back. The reaction may tell you if you have found someone who truly needs a new brush to brush hair or if you've spotted a spanko.

If you are positive that you've spotted a spanko, you might ask if the person has ever been to the Kilahara Library. You might suggest it as a great place to go if they like to read really good fiction, not mentioning the fact that it's spanking fiction. Be sure to spell Kilahara correctly to aid them in finding it on the internet later. Who knows, you might just find a message posted to the board from one of our newest members thanking that unknown person in the local store who guided the reader to the best place on the internet for spanking fiction.

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