The Library of Spanking Fiction: Wellred Weekly

Wellred Weekly
Volume 1, Number 1 : November 1, 2011
Items of interest regarding all things spanking

Rhino Bottom!
by flopsybunny

Spankees the world over dread that terrible moment when they look at their bare bottom in the mirror, and instead of seeing a reflection of baby-soft skin, they are confronted by a scary image of ... rhino arse! This affliction, whispered in hushed tones throughout Spankoland, is also referred to as rhino bottom, leather bottom, rhino ass etc.

So what is rhino bottom, and how do you know if you have one? Does it simply refer to the over-large proportions of someone's rump being compared rather rudely to a rhino's backside?

As I understand it, rhino bottom refers to the progressive hardening of the skin as a consequence of regular spanking and caning and paddling etc over a significant period of time. There are reports that rhino bottom is the name given to skin which has become tough and unsightly; and when one's posterior looks like a lump of old boot leather, it will feel hard and nobbly to the touch.

Some more active spankees, along with professional pro-subs and CP girls may certainly develop thick skin on their rear ends, perhaps because they have been whacked so much their bottom's have gained the cast iron toughness of rhino hide.

I suppose the moral of this tale is don't overdo it, and don't forget to order several big buckets of moisture lotion!

PS. That is not my arse in the picture! Now then, where did I put my butt cream ...

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