The Library of Spanking Fiction: Wellred Weekly

Wellred Weekly
Volume 1, Number 1 : November 1, 2011
Items of interest regarding all things spanking

by Editrix-in-Chief flopsybunners

Welcome to our very first issue of the Wellred Weekly, the electronic journal of the Library of Spanking Fiction, being an eclectic mix of insightful observation and demented ramblings.

Despite its name, the frequency of this unique E-zine is more likely to be monthly, depending as it does on a variety of factors such as when we are sober. But let me assure you that the content has been carefully crafted to entertain, edify and amuse you.

Comprised of four sections, the Articles are intended to be insightful and informative, whereas the News section, which is aimed at the regulars of the LSF, is decidedly w(h)acky (you would never have guessed).

The Letters section of this first issue also has a humorous slant, but we are hoping to include genuine responses to the articles and news items in subsequent issues.

Lastly we have the spoof Classifieds section where tongue in cheek adverts can be placed, including For Sale, Wanted, Personals and Situations Vacant.

We hope readers get as much enjoyment from this issue as we have had whilst putting it all together. A very big thank you goes out to everyone who has contributed.

Anyone who would like to write an article or letter for inclusion in subsequent issues is invited to click on the Contact Us link and use the form provided to send in any ideas.

LSF members are requested to post their responses to the Caption Competition on the newly created Wellred Weekly forum, non-members should use the Contact Us form.

Nothing further remains to be said except ... enjoy!

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