The Library of Spanking Fiction: Wellred Weekly

Wellred Weekly
Volume 1, Number 8 : June 3, 2012
Items of interest regarding all things spanking

Spanking, Feminism and Gender Roles
by Cara Bristol

Can a feminist be spanked?
More specifically, if a woman allows herself to be spanked does that violate the code of sisterhood? Should authors even write stories about submissive women disciplined by dominant men?

As an erotic romance author who specializes in domestic discipline and spanking romances, I encounter those questions (criticisms) on occasion. For the record, I am a feminist. When I was younger, I probably would have taken myself to task for what I write, but I've matured and have come to appreciate the complexity of feminism and gender roles.

The concept of egalitarianism resides at the core of objection to spanking, the belief that men and women are, and should be, equal and entitled to the same rights, privileges and opportunities in the workplace, the world, and the home.

That a husband would spank his wife violates this notion of equality. To women who consider themselves feminists or at least modern, spanking represents yet another way that men have dominated women over the millennia.

Erotic spanking v. domestic discipline
But judging from blog comments and reviews, it isn't spanking per se that feminists object to, but domestic discipline. Erotic spanking for sexual pleasure seems to be A-OK, even if it's the male spanking the female. But take it out of the bedroom, and appoint the husband as the head of household with the authority to discipline, and teeth begin to gnash.

Personal choice
Spanking opponents ignore that choice lies at the heart of feminism. To exchange one set of proscriptions for another isn't the least bit liberating. When women were expected to stay home and raise their families, housewives felt stifled and longed to be able to work and have the full range of job opportunities. But is it progress if all women are forced to seek careers and are prohibited from being housewives? I doubt it. Does the opportunity to become doctors mean that women shouldn't become nurses? I don't think so.

If a woman and man decide that he will lead their family and her role is to support him, that's their choice - and an egalitarian one in that they decided it together. She's not forced or coerced into making that lifestyle - she chooses it. Not every employee longs to be the boss and not every wife wants to lead or co-lead the family.

Domestic discipline merely adds a physical component to a mutually-agreed upon pact. If you don't want to be spanked - don't be. But if that's what you want, you should have the right to choose that.

Relief in surrendering control
As more women take on increasing responsibilities in the workforce and their communities, they may find relief and relaxation to hand over some control to their husbands. To lead and direct every facet of one's life grows tiring. "Traditional" marriages of yore offered a respite to both parties: the wife was freed from the burden of earning a living; the husband was relieved of the minutiae involved with running a household. In the domestic discipline relationship, the man bears the burden for guiding the family, making the major decisions, relieving the wife of the responsibility.

Gender roles
But why is it always the man who does the spanking while the woman is the spankee? Short answer: it isn't. It's the way that certain couples have chosen to define their relationship. One has no way of knowing how many men are spanked by their wives. But women who demand an egalitarian relationship, for the most part, still don't want a submissive husband. They still want a man to be strong and protective.

And the fact remains, while we've made strides toward egalitarianism as a Western culture, traditional sex roles still play out. Look around at couples/families driving down the street. Who's driving? In most cases, the man. Who stays home from work to take care of a sick kid? Generally, the woman. Now, you might argue the latter occurs because the husband earns more, but that only proves the point. Traditional gender roles of dominant males and submissive females still exist, and domestic discipline is a reflection of that. Spanking defines masculine and feminine, dominant and submissive, in an unambiguous, concrete, sharp way.

Veto power
How do you follow a leader or submit to discipline if the husband's judgment is in error? Chances are he will be wrong on occasion. But, even couples who don't practice DD will give in to a partner who they perceive as wrong to keep the peace. And think of it this way: parents are charged with the responsibility to discipline their children. I don't know of a single parent who wouldn't admit to making mistakes. You do the best you can. And wives in DD relationships ultimately and always have the right to say no. No one can take away the power of veto - no matter what one has agreed to.

Feminists have expressed concern that a man might abuse his power in a DD relationship. There's no doubt that one should pick one's partner well. Surrendering control to another requires that the person receiving it be worthy of it. Trust and communication must be a mutual. But how is that any different from what makes a vanilla relationship work?

Spanking in fiction
Finally I'd like to discuss DD and spanking as it relates to fiction. Some readers unfamiliar with spanking fiction have criticized what they see as the hero dominating the heroine. But, it's a common trope of the romance genre for the hero to thwart the heroine's goal and desires. In many marriage-of-convenience stories the heroine is forced to marry a man she initially can't stand. In other romances, the businesswoman is outmaneuvered by a rival businessman. Or the bounty hunter/secret government agent/military commando insists on protecting the heroine and refuses to allow her to hunt down the bad guy by herself. So having a dominant man enforce his will by spanking is only an extension of what is common anyway. Furthermore, fiction offers fantasy fulfillment. People often imagine things they wouldn't want or wouldn't do in real life. One can enjoy reading spanking fiction and still maintain an egalitarian relationship. For women who want to imagine surrendering control to or being spanked by a powerful, sexy man, spanking fiction fits the bill.

Cara Bristol is the author of Unexpected Consequences and False Pretenses

bendover said...
Great piece, Cara. I like the idea of the word NO in regards to the Veto. If a dominant is wrong let him/her own up to it and say so, otherwise they are simply a bully no matter what the gender they may be.

I like this, too: People often imagine things they wouldn't want or wouldn't do in real life.

That is so true. Fantasy is a very powerful tool.

3 June 2012 23:10
tiptopper said...
I was around when modern feminism became popular in the 1960's. It was called women's liberation then.

Although I always supported equality for women I was amused that the feminists wanted women to be free of male dominance but then insisted that all women do things their way. They branded women who liked the traditional roles as traitors to their sex. To me all that was doing was substituting one master for another.
4 June 2012 02:57
islandcarol said...
I enjoyed your article, Cara and agree with your viewpoint. In our western societies, women do have the right to choose how their household is managed, who stays home with sick children, who works or stays home and I especially agree there is nothing wrong with an erotic spanking.
4 June 2012 04:30
Biker said...
I guess it's true that in general, women want their men to be strong and protective. To many men, that is also a desirable trait in a woman. And it can go well with the imposition of discipline, including spankings. Just as there many forms of dominance and submission, there are many forms of domestic discipline.

I believe in equality between partners, and that we are all responsible for ourselves. However, my wife for a few years helped me by enforcing rules that were for my own good. It worked beautifully, except that she so disliked punishing me so much that she stopped. We were equals, except in that one respect. Unfortunately, she so disliked punishing me so much that she stopped applying domestic discipline.

I think that's a pity, because I loved her strength and her protectiveness. We're still happy and together, but without DD.
4 June 2012 06:54
PinkAngel said...
This is always an emotive subject and you handle it very well. I chose a DD style marriage not because I need someone to tell me what to do - just let them try - but because I wanted some security after a chaotic childhood and several destructive relationships and I am glad I did.

Thanks for this article it is most informative.
4 June 2012 10:48
barretthunter said...
Thanks for this very rational and clear treatment of the subject, Cara. I don't support the continuation of traditional ideas about male and female roles (though not a few women do), but as you say, we often imagine things we wouldn't do and we're more complex creatures than ideology can convey.

I do think there's a long way still to go before a woman can have an equal chance in a traditionally male role (unless it's spanking) but I also perceive an element of have-your-cake-and-eat-it in some feminism. Any suggestion that men are hard-wired on average to handle some things better than women is sexism, but the world would be a better place if more women were in charge because of certain feminine virtues of caring etc. Men are violent and women aren't and war is a male invention, but there should be more women in the armed forces...
4 June 2012 17:38
mati said...
Cara, I fully agree with you that the heart of feminism is to give free choice to women and that includes the sexual self-determination. But self-determination and the right to have a veto only works if women are financially independent. Even if a couple decides with consent that she stays at home and support his career, she may loose her egalitarian status at future decisions and that makes it hard for women to use the veto, especially if there are children to support. So every woman who choose a DD-relationship with or without spanking should at least make sure that she can always leave her partner and live independently. That’s unfortunately an issue submissive women tend to ignore at the beginning of a partnership and which can turn the formerly loving DD-relationship into a nightmare.
4 June 2012 19:09
CaraBristol said...
Everyone gave such thoughtful comments. Thanks you.

Mati, you raised an important issue -- financial independence. It's not black and white . Being financially dependent on a man can come back and bite you in the butt -- and not in a good way. It's a risk any woman takes when she chooses to stay at home. Even if a relationship isn't abusive, many marriages do lead to divorce and if a woman has not been employed, she's at a disadvantage. A woman should always know the ins and outs of the family financial status, have a voice in the finances, and ensure that if something does happen, she has the skills to earn a living. This is kind of off the topic, but it is important.
5 June 2012 01:04
TheEnglishMaster said...
Thank you for a very sensible, clear exposition of this fascinating issue - thankfully, most of us have moved beyond simplistic definitions and expectations, and freedom of choice is the watchword, though Mati's point about some of the hidden obstacles to that is a telling one.
10 June 2012 23:02

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