The Library of Spanking Fiction: Wellred Weekly

Wellred Weekly
Volume 1, Number 8 : June 3, 2012

Fine Print
by Tiptopper

"Perhaps I should have read the employment contract a bit more carefully before I joined the library staff."
njrick said...
Well I for one am glad she didn't! Great drawing, tt.
4 June 2012 12:24
CrimsonKidCK said...
Ahhhh, it looks like one of the librarians has had an extended 'conversation' with Miss Thrashbottom about staying focused on her duties rather than consuming salty snacks and alcoholic beverages.

Nice drawing--cute bare buns, sweet-looking stripes decorating them, gently flowing teardrops... --C.K.
7 June 2012 07:45
Perry said...
I read a story years ago set in a library where the shelves reached to the ceiling. To reach the middle ones, a searcher could walk up a short set of steps which ended with a walkway. This piece of furniture which was on wheels and could thus be moved to any convenient place in the room was also ideal for positioning an offender for punishment. The higher shelves in this library were reached on a ladder, the lower rungs of which were considerably wider than those at the top. This also could be used for flagellatory purposes.
4 November 2014 06:52

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