The Library of Spanking Fiction: Wellred Weekly

Wellred Weekly
Volume 1, Number 1 : November 1, 2011
Items of interest regarding all things spanking

Spanking Stories Set in Time
by Corncrake

It seems as though I have been reading stories on this site for as long as I can remember, but so informative is it that it tells me that I joined on February 1st 2010. So recently? That's only 21 months! In that time I have read so much, (I won't alarm you by confessing just how much) and by so many authors - both by choice, as entries in various Challenges or as contributions assigned for validating - that I am in danger of being left with little more than a jumble of impressions. Making any specific judgement is a very hard call.

In Praise Of Nostalgia
It seems to me that this is a very specific - and more measurable than most - aspect of a lot of the stories on the site. Because of my vintage (and, c'mon folks, I don't believe for a moment that I am the only one!) these are ones to which I am particularly drawn. It is not that I don't enjoy reading contemporary spanking stories. I do, and I love them, but, though the imagination is more than willing, the experience is unfortunately what might be called slightly lacking and sometimes it can be harder to get a handle on them.

There is something comforting about sinking back into the past. The 'post-war', wartime and even 'pre-war' eras are frequently mentioned and this I suspect says something about a lot of our authors, and readers. Trying to be objective about it, it does seem that this is a really rich seam of genuine spanking memorabilia. The thing is that these tend to be factual memories, recalled from a time when corporal punishment was almost the norm, certainly at home and in many cases at school too. Or am I the only one to enjoy reading about the '40s, '50s and '60s? Perhaps I am surrounded by a load of Peter Pans?

When does a memory become nostalgia? Is there some rule about it as with, say, cars: vintage compared with veteran? Or perhaps, as in the case of furniture, antique compared with just tatty?

The older they are, the richer and probably the more authentic are the recollections. e.g. talk of rationing, specific comic and cartoon characters, references to the 'wireless' and little emphasis on individual television programmes. Strangely, 'celebrities' didn't appear to exist in these days. The Saturday night dancing experience was the 'hop' at the local tennis club, Church or Village hall or, a rare treat, a celebratory occasion at the 'Palais de Dance' in the nearest big town. These, then, were the influences on and the settings for the contemporary spanking experience. And, of course, 'morals' ruled supreme.

Our wonderful range of authors reflects the above, of course. I can only speak for myself and the stories with which I most closely identify. I love reading unashamedly nostalgic writing by the likes of Linda (vide her wonderful, heart-rending A Time to Dance,) Jacqueline Scott's Miss Campbell series, a number by Alan Barr such as Minnie, and - in a very quick and totally unscientific assessment of the listings - it would seem to me that authors such as Kilahara, flopsybunny, DJ Black and Guy Spencer all contribute largely to this genre.

To find them all, when logged into the LSF, click on the 'Browse' button, and then select the heading for 'Nostalgia', followed by 'All' and you will find several pages of stories with a nostalgic flavour, all waiting to be read and enjoyed.

Of course, it may well be that our memories of the 'good old days' are viewed through a rosy glow. Did the sun really always shine in the school holidays? Did we really enjoy the food of the rationing era - the almost meatless stovies, the dried egg concoctions, tripe, Camp coffee, Spam sandwiches, salad cream with everything? Were we thrilled with the 'treat' of dipping a stick of rhubarb into a bag of sugar, the nearest approach to a sweet a tin of Horlicks or Ovaltine tablets from the chemist? Perhaps we have forgotten the reality of no central heating, no fridge, outside lavatories, few family cars, feeling our way homewards on foot through impenetrable smog? And of course, the fact that the frequent spankings we received were only too real and actually hurt like hell!

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