The Library of Spanking Fiction: Wellred Weekly

Wellred Weekly
Volume 1, Number 10 : August 28, 2012
Items of interest regarding all things spanking

Spanking Artist: Overbarrel (cont.)
Wellred Weekly explores the spanking art of Overbarrel.

If the spankee is crying it complicates things even more. Tears are hard to do in any medium. I was fortunate to find some tutorials for Photoshop on how to make realistic looking water drops. The problem is that they look really great up very close but less so from farther away, so most of the time I've had to settle for just conveying the idea that tears are flowing. Of course, I'm no expert on Photoshop and there may well be better ways to do the tears. At my age I don't have time to study every aspect of either Poser or Photoshop and I generally don't learn how to do anything until it becomes necessary. Again, once created, the tears can be saved and reused in other pics or other toons. Once I get to this point the pic is pretty well completed. I add my logo, the talk bubbles and the words to complete the pic.

By the way, you have to think ahead and leave enough room on your pic for the talk bubbles and the words. I usually have lots of details in my pics and I like to have the spanker and spankee as large as possible so those details can be easily seen. There have been a few times that I got them too big and didn't have room to put the words in without covering up too much of the scene. I like to put my logo in different places in the scenes rather than always in the same corner. It seems to be a bit more fun and is just another detail that will hopefully capture the viewer's interest and sometimes add a bit of fun to the pic. I did a toon called "Unexpected Realization" which is in the #5 toon group. In pic #19 the spanker is starting to apply a paddle to her bottom, which is already sore from a good hand spanking and tears are flowing. As this is going on inside, my logo is outside the open window sliding down a hill in the snow saying, "WHEEE". Dave Wolfe commented that this was funny because it all takes place at a "totally inappropriate" moment in the spanking.

Is there a target audience that you specifically aim at?
Not really. As I mentioned, I started doing these pics just for my own satisfaction. I was checking out the membership in the #6 toon group which is the most recent group. It appears that membership is about 2/3 male and 1/3 female although I would have personally preferred a higher percentage of female viewers. I didn't find this too surprising though since men tend to like visual representations such as toons and movies whereas women tend to prefer stories rather than pictures. I have found that even among the members of the toon groups there are still many different tastes in spanking pics and the theme of a certain toon, or even just a single pic might make a connection with one viewer but not others.

Of course, this is all a pretty subjective evaluation on my part since I would estimate that no more than 10% of viewers ever make comments one way or another. There are just a very few folks that comment on a regular basis but even these have a tendency to run hot and cold depending on the theme of the toon. One thing I have discovered in the last couple of years is that toons that feature public spankings are really popular among my viewers. Again, this makes sense to me because the majority of my viewers are men and it's my opinion that men lean towards the more embarrassing public spankings while the ladies prefer more private spankings. Even at that, there do seem to be more ladies who enjoy the embarrassment of public spankings than I would have thought.

Does your artwork represent your own spanking preferences?
Absolutely! The main reason I wanted to do spanking pics is because I had a hard time finding the kind of spanking drawings that I personally find most arousing. It seems to me that the majority of spanking drawings are too harsh for my tastes or just the wrong situations. First off, I really prefer OTK spankings the best. I love that intimate contact between spanker and spankee that you get when she is across your lap and you can feel each other's reactions during the spanking and you will no doubt notice that almost all of my pics are OTK. For much the same reason, I like hand spanking best. For me, there's just something about that skin to skin contact although I often have at least part of the spanking taking place with light paddles that are stingy but cause no real damage other than a red, stinging bottom. In my most recent toon the spanker uses one of her slippers after he hand spanks her just because it is handy.

Also, the spankee's panties are a very important aspect of the spanking for me. In my opinion, the uncovering of the seat of her panties as her dress is raised or her pants are lowered serves to emphasize the "naughty little girl" aspect of the spanking she is about to receive. It's for this reason that I most often try to use panties that are ordinary, less sexy and cover more of the spankee's bottom rather than the frillier, skimpier panties that you would expect a woman to wear if she was expecting to have sex and wanting to entice her lover. This is also the main reason I like to start a spanking over panties before lowering them to finish. Of course, another reason would be because I like the way a girl's bottom is framed by nice pair of panties too. The moment when the spanker pulls those panties down in preparation for spanking her bare bottom can be, and often is, a really intense moment, both physically and emotionally, for both spanker and spankee and most often I will do a pic showing the uncovering of her panties and try to convey these feelings and sensations in my pic.

For all these reasons, I pay particular attention to the spankee's panties when doing my pics. I like to show them stretched tightly over her bottom emphasizing her curves and clearly showing the curve formed by the double crotch piece while she is still wearing them. However, I usually like them to look "just right" even after they have been pulled down around her knees. To me it is all an important part of the whole spanking and adds to the overall excitement of the pic just as much as her bottom turning red. Of course, these are just my thoughts and preferences and I have a hunch that most of my viewers my not consciously even notice her panties when looking at the pic although they may have an effect on their enjoyment of the overall pic.

To me, there is nothing more arousing than a naughty, young lady getting her bottom blistered because she really deserves it. While I do enjoy pics where a man is spanking a naughty girl he doesn't know, the ones I find most exciting are those where there is a sexual connection between the spanker and spankee, or at least the potential for a sexual relationship after the spanking. It seems to me that a spanking, even a good blistering for punishment, is a highly sexual activity. Physically, the area being dealt with has obvious sexual overtones but the emotional aspects of a spanking are at least as powerful as the physical. It seems to me that these emotions would run higher and be more intense between lovers during a spanking because of the already existing emotional connections that have been formed between them as sexual partners.

So my favorite kind of scene is a sound spanking, administered by a loving partner, which gradually purges her feelings of guilt and perhaps sets the stage for her sexual arousal, or even causes her to become aroused, as he takes out his frustration and disappointment on her bare bottom. To me a scene like this is further enhanced if the spankee is struggling, kicking, yelling, pleading and promising. I just hate one of those movie clips where the spankee just lies there doing nothing. Of course, I find it even more exciting if the spankee bursts into tears and is sobbing in addition to all the rest. I think you'll find all of these things reflected in the kinds of scenarios that I most often do.

Do you produce artwork which is not related to spanking as well?
No. There are plenty of Poser artists doing non spanking related pics but I really don't have any interest in doing pics other than spanking related ones.

Do you draw just for personal pleasure or for profit?
I do my pics almost exclusively for my own enjoyment. I did do some illustrated stories which I sold to "Discipline and Desire" a few years back but other than that all my stuff is just posted in my yahoo groups solely for my enjoyment and that of my viewers.

Have you considered using your artwork in spanking publications/books?
I have considered it. Reesa over at "Discipline and Desire" had offered me money to do illustrations for some of her stories on a weekly basis and I seriously considered taking her up on that. This was before I retired and I was afraid that I would be too busy to make deadlines so I declined. To tell you the truth though, even after retiring it seems like I am still way too busy. Right now I am getting ready to end one toon and start another one. Normally I would like to have everything set up for the new toon and have the first few done but have been too busy to even get it started. In any case, I think I am happy just doing these pics and posting them for free. Perhaps that will change in the future but for now I am satisfied with things as they are.

Do you have any plans for future artwork?
The only plans I have are to just keep going the way I have been and to try to continue improving my toons, both the art work and the story telling.
Guy said...
This is a whole new world to me! As a total non-artist, what I find really impressive is the believable body mechanics. Every pose seems perfectly realistic.
29 August 2012 15:41
Februs said...
Many thanks to Overbarrel for a really substantial and informative article. Given our necessary formatting restrictions I should point out that the smaller images included in the article look so much better in full size so if anyone wants to see them in all their glory I'd recommend taking a look at the Yahoo groups listed at the beginning of the piece.
29 August 2012 15:56
PinkAngel said...
Goodness I would never have thought it would be so involved and complicated. The end result is definitely worth the hard work though. Thank you for a very educational article.
29 August 2012 16:35
bendover said...
My friend Banjo is into the art scene just as overbarrel is. I know it takes a lot of work. It's strange that the panties thing would be a problem. I never would have figured that.

The article gives a great insight on how it's all done and the time it takes to provide these fantastic spanking scenes. I have to give overbarrel and others in this business the full credit they deserve.
29 August 2012 17:09
mati said...
Very informative. It looks to me as if Poser is not a very efficient alternative to drawing.
30 August 2012 07:49
islandcarol said...
Wow, I also think that artfully draw spankings are more appealing and arousing than photos and these are spectacular. Thanks so much for an explanation on the process, I'll have to read it again later for it all to settle in. Thanks Overbarrel
2 September 2012 03:02
canadianspankee said...
This guy gives hope to some who cannot draw. Perhaps one will never get to the high standard Overbarrel has achieved however at least now we have an example of what a computer and a few good programs can do. I would think in many ways doing everything on a computer would be harder then freehand in some ways. Thanks for sharing Overbarrel
2 September 2012 05:13
KJM said...
I have been a fan of poser art for many years. It isn't easy and to achieve Overbarrel's expertise takes time. Thanks, Overbarrel for your informative article and for the many illustrations you offered for free on your pages to the spanking community.
2 September 2012 15:59
TheEnglishMaster said...
Great pictures, and a fascinatingly detailed account of how it's all done. Thank you.
5 September 2012 23:22
smiling1 said...
I especially like the images where she is smiling, embarrased but enjoying her spanking.
15 May 2013 12:45

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