The Library of Spanking Fiction: Wellred Weekly

Wellred Weekly
Volume 2, Number 2 : August 19, 2013
Items of interest regarding all things spanking

Institutionalised (cont.)
by Garth Toyntanen

Another aspect I decided at the outset to explore was that the storyline should incorporate other fetishes or interests - even if some might strictly speaking sit outside my own sphere of interest - if these seemed appropriate to the central subject of the imposition of restraint, discipline and control. Various forms of physical bondage were obvious inclusions of course - but then so were such areas as enforced nappy or diaper use, leading inexorably to the inclusion of plastic and latex rubber knickers, bloomers, pants etc. And then there is the subject of uniforms, of course; the latter open to all sorts of discussion, from the physical aspects, the type of fabrics incorporated - nylon, serge, the underwear, girdles, corselettes, corsets, stockings, you name it - to the psychological effect on the wearer, whether submissive or assertive depending on the role being explored.

And as all these aspects of control unavoidably involve changes to the psyche of our heroine, the inclusion of certain forms of mind control in the story-arc seemed appropriate. Indeed pretty much the creation of the entire project embodied by my first three books - what I refer to as 'The Institutionalised Trilogy' - was originally stimulated by a series of mind control story ideas I once read published within one of the old internet newsgroups. Thus I set out to also explore elements of sensory deprivation, hypnosis, Neuro- Linguistic-Programming (NLP) and even the deliberate induction or intensification of certain phobias as methods to wield control over my young heroine. The latter approach, while difficult to envisage within the domestic scenario, lent itself well to sort of institutional vista which had formed in my mind by the time I started writing.

The skeletal framework I came up with amounted to a 'what if?' tale, but one I hoped would demand little of the reader in terms of suspension of disbelief - at least once the central premise has been explained; (something I establish early on through the vehicle of an opening dialogue between a clinical psychologist and the heroine's stepmother.) The basis is an imaginary adaptation and elaboration of a particularly famous (or should that be infamous?) 1970s social psychology study - the so-called ' Stanford Experiment'- and so has at least one foot set firmly on a foundation of reality.

The first - and on the surface the most obvious - deviation from the classic protocol I allowed myself was to invoke the premise of an all-female structure (an indulgence owing its origin to my preference for depicting females at both ends of the cane, as it were). But in actuality the greatest liberty I took was in changing a major aspect of the structure of the experiment itself; the composition of the separate experimental groups. You see, in the fictional world my imagination conjured up - a faux-reality set somewhat closer to the present than the original study - under the guidance of a certain female professor of experimental psychology, and with the patronage of a titled lady with pockets as deep as her hidden agenda, the classic study has become somewhat more narrowly focused, its exploratory range more specific, and targeted at just one side of the equation.

The premise, then, is that - as in the classic study - the test subjects comprising the 'prisoner' group or groups have been randomly assigned from volunteers recruited through a variety of paths (albeit initially selected to satisfy certain more stringent criteria than in the original study, not least of which is their lack of 'traceability'). The big difference arises when we come to consider the make up of those placed in charge. In direct contrast to the original Stanford University study, the supervisory staff (the 'guards' if you will) have been hand-picked from a group of professionals - psychiatric nursing staff in the main - by way of extensive screening carried out through an exhaustive battery of psychometric tests, interviews, personality profiling and quite intrusive, personal background checks. The latter criteria? As the professor running the study explains at one point:

"Without my betraying confidentiality, suffice it to say that areas such as sexual predilection, ethical standpoint and moral framework [have been] extensively probed. In addition we were looking for those for whom our tests indicated a natural tendency towards a propensity to dominance, both within working and personal relationships."

The title I originally devised for what was later to become the first of the Institutionalised trilogy was; Dark Meanderings of a Darker Mind: Beyond the Stamford Experiment. While acknowledging the influence of the darker side of the cannon of peer-reviewed psychological research literature I had perused, the intention was also to put across something of the way in which I had set out to delve into all manner of - ahem! - interests, beyond those immediately surrounding the theme of corporal punishment. In the fullness of time this somewhat wordy title became shortened to Institutionalised: Beyond the Stamford Experiment as the structure of the story became clearer in my own mind, the cover design following suit by becoming similarly simplified.

My intention when I set out had certainly not been to create a series. And had the first volume not been so well received - comments such as "...destined to be seen as a classic of the genre" were encouraging to put it mildly! - I might not have pressed on. But the more I dug down into the possibilities inherent within the pseudo-medical psycho-babble world I had concocted, the greater were the numbers of inspirational pathways that came to light, each beckoning onward, each demanding to be explored, each apparently eternally branching and budding off more and more ideas. Of course there were all those potentially punitive deviations to be explored beyond the conventional sphere of the cane or the strap, those unique to the clinical surroundings of a mental hospital or other private institution which might conceivably posses a department dedicated to experimental psychology.

All manner of forms of physical control become possible and come to mind within such an environment; straitjackets, humane restraint systems, patient transfer wheelchairs or gurneys festooned with straps, cuffs and collars and the like. Then, exploring another direction, we have rubber bed covers, PVC pants and knickers, supervised bedpan use and all the paraphernalia beloved of the adult baby / rejuvenation aficionado. Then there are strict no-talking rules, humiliating uniforms, petty rules and strict discipline, bars on the windows and locks on the doors, all manner of punitive impositions and standing in corners with hands on heads - and all of it overseen by a stern hospital matron in starched uniform dress and a cane in her white-gloved hand.

But as horrifying as it may seem, beyond all of that, the most fascinating areas - those not ordinarily explored within spanking and discipline literature - are those not confined to physical control but rather extend into the realm of the psychological, the subconscious. Those areas are to be found explored, not in fiction, but within the pages of peer-reviewed journals and scientific papers dealing with experimental psychology in various forms. You have to go back to the heady worlds of the 1930s, 50s or perhaps 1960s, but you really couldn't make it up - or if you did, you'd only find that someone else has beaten you to it, been there first, actually carried out that study, intervention or exploration your devious mind has conjured and instigated that punitive disciplinary regime you have spent so long lovingly plotting out for your favourite fantasy female.

So what is it all about - the first fruit of my labours - INSTITUTIONALISED: BEYOND THE STAMFORD EXPERIMENT the first of the INSTITUTIONALISED TRILOGY, besides spanking of course? Well, put simply it goes like this:

To quote from the blurb: Two unrelated young women coincidently find themselves in similar circumstances; each having an inheritance at stake with a grasping manipulative stepmother holding the purse-strings. Both girls have found an ally in a supportive, if overbearing, 'aunt' figure but find themselves lovingly guided into a stifling and increasingly dependent relationship. An advertisement calling for medical research volunteers seems to offer an ideal opportunity for each to temporarily distance herself from her situation. But is all as it seems? Why is the security so tight? Why are there bars on the windows? Why all the petty rules, restrictions and talk of punishment?

Her initial three months voluntary residency coming to a close - and with the hefty promised pay check almost within her grasp and a university placement in a prestigious academic establishment just around the corner, due to commence within days of her leaving - one of the girls finds herself increasingly coming under pressure to renew her residency instead. Elsewhere within the same institution another girl, - having bowed to similar pressure on two subsequent occasions, now having been resident for a total of nine months - is being pressured to sign a document placing her in the institution's hands for a further term, a full year this time. And already with pen between shaking fingers her hand is hovering over the paper. With tears filling her pretty blue eyes and her other hand rubbing the throbbing cane lines running across the centre of her plump bottom through the fabric of her striped green and white prison-style uniform dress, she begins to write... There is another document nearby, another form for her to sign - this one pertains to her inheritance, something called an enduring power of attorney; there'll be a battle royal before she signs that one; she wouldn't sign it the last time; but is she too weak now? And what in a year's time? And what if they don't even release her then?

You see, all is not right in this place; something has gone way out of control... And someone is sitting back and pulling the strings.

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