The Library of Spanking Fiction: Wellred Weekly

Wellred Weekly
Volume 1, Number 4 : January 6, 2012
Items of interest regarding all things spanking

The Six Spanking Plots
by Flogmaster

As a writer, I read Rollin's The Nine Plots Of Spanking Fiction with great interest, but I'm sorry to say that Rollin has missed the plot here (ha ha). No offense to Rollin, but what he describes aren't plots at all, but settings. Plots are key story elements that aren't interchangeable without making it a completely different story.

For instance, a classic plot of a love story is the familiar 'boy meets girl'. If Hollywood tries to be creative and stir that up with a homosexual version, it becomes 'boy meets boy' or 'girl meets girl' -- different, but fundamentally still the same plot. (It could even be science fiction with a 'girl meets space alien' but it's still the same plot.)

Almost all of Rollin's nine plots are really just variations of a single 'punishment' plot. After all, there's really little difference from a plot perspective between a headmaster caning, a husband putting his bratty wife over his knee, or a father taking his son to the woodshed.

Spanking plots can be boiled down to the answer to this simple question: why would someone be spanked?

When you look at it that way, there really aren't that many spanking plots. I can only come up with six.

1. Punishment
This is the most common plot and it covers everything from parental discipline to spousal correction. School punishments fall into this category as do boss-employee scenarios. All judicial discipline stories would be listed here. Whether the punishment is voluntary or not doesn't change the plot (it's only a variation). If it's ostensibly for punishment, it's the same basic story. What's key is the atmosphere: punishment stories are usually about dread, humiliation, and suffering, often with a redemptive conclusion (i.e. naughty girl is spanked and repents and hugs mommy after the spanking).

2. Initiation
The classics here are sorority paddling initiations, but any kind of military, club, or gang initiation works. (You'll note this is a huge category of stories that Rollin completely left out of his list.) Some initiation stories have punishment or sexual implications, but the unique voluntary nature of initiation keeps these stories in their own category.

3. Assault
This is a category involving (usually) non-voluntary abuse. These stories are usually about torture and rape, often with kidnapping and sex slavery. There are less violent variations, such as the non-consensual birthday spanking. Blackmail stories can also fit here, where a person submits to degradation and torment to prevent private information from being leaked.

4. Sex Slavery
While there are overlaps with punishment and assault categories, I put sex slavery in its own category because it's a distinctive type of story. Sometimes the punishment is genuine punishment (i.e. for a fault) but much of the time the discipline is merely for the top's pleasure. Also, in sex slavery often the victim is willing (if he or she is not a voluntary slave, then the story heads more into the assault category). Many times the victim is really 'topping from the bottom' which puts a different spin on things. Some slavery stories are written just for the pleasure of the top, with the submissive being tortured beyond belief.

5. Sexual/Erotic
This is another category that overlaps others, but there are aspects that make it unique. Stories here are typically husband and wife or lovers spanking each other. Sometimes there's a punishment vibe, but often that is merely a guise or excuse for the sexual play. Stories here can include masochists who seek out spankings for sexual pleasure: they could be deliberately naughty to incur punishment (say from a teacher or boss), or join a sorority or other group for initiation spankings. What distinguishes sex stories from other categories is that here the primary motivation is the sexual thrill versus punishment or other spanking element. (That doesn't mean there can't be sexual pleasure obtained in a strict punishment story; my point is that in a punishment story, the main purpose is punishment, not sexual pleasure.)

6. Accidental
This is the trickiest category, because there aren't many ways for someone to accidentally be spanked and most stories end up falling into one of the other categories. A common one is the mistaken identity plot, where the wrong girl gets sent to the Headmaster or say, a teacher gets mistaken for a student and caned. In those cases, is the story a punishment one? As I said, this category is tricky. A genuine accidental spanking would have to be something like a construction worker carrying a beam of wood who turns and inadvertently swats a woman on the butt with the swinging board. A rare story, but it doesn't really fit into any of the other categories. There's definitely a lot of room for creative solutions to this plot!

Infinite Variety
Note that these categories are deliberately broad and there can be disagreement as to which stories go where. There's nothing wrong with that, and some stories can include multiple aspects of spanking. Some stories can change during the story. (A typical one might be a girl who gets a punishment spanking from a teacher and learns to like it and by the end of the story she's being deliberately naughty to earn spankings, thus changing the story from punishment to erotic.)

Now you might argue that my categories are more genres of spanking stories than plots, and I wouldn't debate you much. There's a fine line and the semantics can be controversial. But I'm looking at the core of plots versus the specifics. Each of the above spanking plots (or genres) has a distinct feel to it in terms of the buttons it pushes.

Within each plot there's infinite variation for making unique stories:

The setting is hugely significant: the time period, environment, clothing and behavioral styles, etc. all make a story unique. A spanking in a strict Victorian-era school where canings are commonplace is very different from a modern day school punishment.

Your characters and how they react, their dialog, what they look like, etc. all contribute to making your story special. For example, instead of a traditional Headmaster, why not do one with a handicap? Let's put him in a wheelchair and perhaps that changes how he canes.

The tone of a story can dramatically change the way its events are interpreted. For instance, I could write a story about a girl being spanked unjustly from either an ominous tragic perspective or a comic one, and each version of the story would be completely different even if the events were identical.

Point-of-view is another aspect of tone that can significantly change a story. A caning story written from the perspective of the caner is very different than that of the canee. You can take a stereotypical spanking plot and create something new with a different perspective. (I did this with my story 'The Strap' which is written from the unusual perspective of a leather strap reminiscing about all the bare bottoms it has smacked over the years.)

You can be creative in the events of a story, too. Remember that spanking stories can have traditional story plots as well. The aforementioned 'boy meets girl' plot is perfectly suited for a romantic spanking story. The best spanking stories include other aspects of the characters that show how they change. For instance, a shy wife might become bold after her humiliating public spanking breaks her out of her shell, or a troubled woman might come to terms with her past as she learns to forgive her strict father for all her punishments growing up.

(Some stories just have a spanking in them, but I don't consider those spanking stories any more than I'd consider True Grit a spanking movie simply because it includes one spanking scene. Real spanking stories have spanking at their core.)

The above spanking plots are just the beginning. Embrace them and go forward, writing your own unique variations with whatever elements appeal to you. Be creative, be inspired, and most of all, have fun!
bendover said...
Good article. With my two cents worth, I would also consider the category Pain & Pleasure, which my in some instances come under Sexual/Erotic. It's what degree of pain one takes to achieve that other degree of pleasure. I like the way this was written out. Very thoughtful.

6 January 2012 04:05
canadianspankee said...
Well done, I thought this goes along well with Rollin's submission in the previous issue. Putting the two together can help any writer, new or old. in writing and submitting stories. This article clearly took a lot of hard work and I commend you for making the effort.
6 January 2012 05:47
Miss_Naughty said...
As a fairly new writer, I'm taking on board all the comments and advice that I see written, I really enjoyed reading your article and naturally I will refer to it. For some unknown reason, the names of the characters are very important to me and are usually the first things I think of, which is perhaps a little bizarre.

You mentioned disabled people and strangely I wrote about a disabled woman, A New Year's Eve Story. I was driven to write about this and wanted to convey the fact that she had as much right to enjoy her fantasy as much as anybody else.

I'm not sure which genre it fits in, but what about those who just feel at times they need to be spanked and in fact they yearn for it, not for necessarily sexual gratification?
6 January 2012 17:48
TheEnglishMaster said...
A fascinating and very helpful survey of different plots - thank you. Coming at it with the question 'Why would someone be spanked?' does seem to get to the heart of plots specific to this genre.
6 January 2012 21:45
Rheavak said...
What a magnificent, well written article. I simple enjoyed your writing style and vocabulary, perhaps, more than the actual content of the article. With the poor writing in newspaper, etc, it was nice to just read something worth reading.
6 January 2012 22:46
rollin said...
Well, my take on Frank's characterization is that he has presented the issue both from a different perspective -- the "why" -- but also at a higher level of abstraction. What I was trying to do was to pinpoint the most frequently used plot scenarios, which as Frank pointed out, involve a choice of setting. Yes, for example plots characterized as "erotic" and "punishment" are two different themes, but they are not, strictly speaking, plots. The writer, having decided, ok this will be an erotic story, still has to create a a story line. Is it a boy-meets-girl erotic story, or is it erotic because one character presents certain sexual possibilities to the other, or because one character exploits a power relationship with erotic consequences? But, l think looking at it both ways is useful -- my intent was to show writers (in a tongue-in-cheek way) that the "9 plots" tend to be overused and that care should be taken to make them original lest the author fall into the trap of rewriting a story that has been told a 1000 times before.
But what this article says is critically important because it dictates the tone for everything else, and that is that the author must decide "why" a spanking will occur and create the plot and characters with that in mind -- and stay consistent. Great advice in my book.
7 January 2012 00:19
sugarmouse said...
Very interesting article S
7 January 2012 23:36
barretthunter said...
Miss Naughty - you're not alone in finding the names of the characters you create really important. I spend some time gettinjg names right. Unlike in real life, I want them to reflect character and spanking role somewhat - hence the spanker businessman Hugh Canning and the callipygous and much spanked Detective Constable Aashi Bhatt (which last took some research on Indian Hindu names). Less obviously, a girl called Sally is neither a girl called Suzy or a girl called Vivienne. For me the name encapsulates character and fate.
9 January 2012 17:05
sixofthebest said...
Flogmaster, I would say you covered all the aspects of spanking a naughty female, so as to pleasureably uncover her naked rear end.
14 January 2012 19:35
Totzman said...
I think you've covered all the bases here. I can't think of any categories you might have missed. Reading this has given me some inspiration though...
15 September 2012 16:34
Redskinluver said...
There is some overlap. Notably the blackmail plot. Would it be under Punishment or Assault if a wrongdoer submits to a spanking to avoid being arrested, losing a job, or something?
Examples like an employee caught stealing from an employer' ;a shoplifter caught by the store owner'; a speeder or drunk driver stopped by the police; college students caught cheating by a professor'; property owner catching a bunch of hippie kids swimming nude in his pool or pond, and so on.
17 September 2012 18:01
BashfulBob said...
A thought-provoking article. And challenging. I wonder how many other readers attempted to come up with a seventh plot. I remember reading that victims of chronic pain can sometimes get relief from being spanked once the endorphins kick in. This would seem to be a seventh reason for a spanking, not quite fitting into your Sexual/Erotic category, but it would probably not lend itself to a good spanking story. To my mind a good spanking story must always incorporate some element of domination and/or submission (voluntary or otherwise) - something you capture very well in your stories.
5 October 2012 22:38
Hardwood said...
Building on BashfulBob's comment, there would be a plot (genre) called "Therapeutic." And, that would have to be divided into at least two categories: physical, covering the physical and mental benefits of endorphin release; and psychological, covering the sometimes beneficial result of pain on a troubled mind/soul/psyche.
17 January 2018 18:21
myrkassi said...
Interesting. I'll have to see if I can come up with a seventh plot, or at least an interesting subversion of one of the six you describe!
6 May 2019 02:28

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